Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well, this week has been insane. And it's only Tuesday, well now Wednesday. We have started our first week of classes and I'm already extremely overwhelmed.

Cheers to a new semester. This one is gonna be a tough one. I won't have much of a social life. :/ But it's kind of a good thing because I really need to start focusing/ keeping busy. So i don't let my mind wonder. That happens entirely too often.
   Lately, I've been walking my sister's boyfriend's dog. Her name is Marley and she is precious. She's a STRONG yellow lab and loves to run and pull my whole body. We walked in the graveyard, it was perfect.

I want to start cooking more often. I think (if I have the time anymore) I may start trying to cook/bake one meal a week and see how I do. I am usually a horrible baker. No matter how great the directions are, I will somehow another screw them up. BUT no fear Kate, I'm gonna get better at this, I promise. I need too! Baking and cooking is fun and it's a great way to distract your mind off the sad things. 

Finally, this here.. is my best friend: Anna. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Coffee coffee coffee. I just all of a sudden got extremely sleeeeeeeeeepy. I just went and got a haircut (that was extremely overpriced).... but I do like it though.

I also picked up some coffee on my way to pay bills. Goodness, i've already spent so much money today and it's not even 12!

Really wanna do something like this but my boss would kill me.

Hope you have a great Monday. I'm so sleepy, but I'll wake up sometime another. 


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am a romantic.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back from the Dead.

Sorry, that nap that I took lasted longer than I expected. But I have found my way, and I am back!
I've spent my morning eating toast, drinking coffee, reading, blogging and thinking.
I haven't blogged in quite sometime. I don't even want to look back and see what my last entry was. I'm scared it's going to  be something incredibly sad/depressing. 

But anyways, these past two nights have been quite insane. Only really for me though, just strange. But in a good way I guess- for my mental health/stability. 

The past two weeks have been really really great actually. The first week, I hibernated the whole week. I read a book, I watched movies, i wrote a good bit. It was nice. The week after that I went home and spent sometime with my family and see friends that I haven't seen in a while. I had such good conversation. Weird feelings at some points, but it was all pretty good. 

I'm going to make a to-list for today. But just stopping in, and giving you a little heads-up. I'm back! and ready to start this new year. I think/hope/know this year will be grand. 
I'm going to come back and write more tonight. I will warn you, some of my posts are going to be different here and there. I just want some variety with my blog. 

I want to have fashion posts, question posts, a picture an hour post, intimate post, conversation posts. 
Just something new, you know? 

Ok, I'll leave you with a picture from yesterday. 
I worked, while I watched the Saints. 
Boo Saints not winning. 

I'll be back.