Good morning Wednesday. I've noticed in the past few months, that my usual 2 cups of black coffee every morning just doesn't do the job like it use to... what is wrong with me? Anyways, this week has been incredibly busy. I have a test today at 2, my color theory project is due tomorrow at 8, I've got beer and pizza night with Emily, I need to exercise this week, I've got a psych lab tomorrow at 1, brunch at 11 with Misha and Sarah, and I'm going home on Friday. I can't wait to go to work on Saturday. Literally, can't wait. I miss work so much at home. Work= New clothes! Yay. It only takes me about 2 and a half hours to get home, it's the perfect time for me to let everything out.. think about everything.. plan everything.. oh I can't wait for this holiday. It's going to be great. I've got to get a work on painting more, I have a series due the week after Thanksgiving. I'm incredibly behind and I have to have them finished and perfect before Christmas break. I'm nervous about exams, I suck at tests.. literally. It's a really amazing day outside, it's cloudy.. and chilly.. I love days like today. Just slow and happy. Wish me luck on my test today, I need to do well. I'll write more later on in the week when I gain the time.

Happy Holidays.
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