I woke up two hours early this morning to study. I made myself a big cup of coffee and got dressed for the day. I have a huge test on Monday and I have procrastinated like none other. I'm so upset with myself this week. I haven't been diligent like I should be. I want to get out of this place, I have to do my best. What is wrong with me this week? I read the Bible this morning and prayed hard. I hope today will be a good one, even though its dreary and rainy out. But thats okay, today will be a good day. I hope everyone of you have a decent day, filled with a little joy and happiness.. thats all we can ask for right? I wish I wasn't so alone here, I will be a completely different person this time next year, I can just feel it I really can. All is well. I will write more this afternoon. Have a beautiful day today. Love.
Those are four separate paintings I did. All of them are sold, I'm sorry. I loved each and every one of them.
the bottom right is absolutely beautiful & serene.
i am a freshmen, so for now i'm taking basic art classes, you know, gen ed's etc.
my major is Art Education with an emphasis in (film)Photography.
but, perhaps it will change in the future! i might discover that i really love ceramics or something random like that! : )
& you?
that's so exciting!
i can't wait until next semester when i can draw nudies...i love the human body...the most fascinating machine in the world.
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