This is a painting I did for my first show and its been a pretty big hit I must say. I've used the design in many of things. This actual design comes from the band Discover America, so I can't take full credit. But I loved this piece.
Its Saturday and I am procrastinating like none other. I've got to get off the internet and start studying for a test I have Monday morning. I'm sitting at the one coffee shop we have here and just drank some delicious Chai Tea. Oh so good. I need to get my shit together this weekend, this week I have been the most lazy human-being ever created. I need rest and relaxation. I need to do my yoga tonight and sleep. I need study and I need church time. By the way, the new Kings of Leon album is so great, when did he get this incredible voice? Honestly, where did this come from? I've been on Pandora a great deal lately, making my own radio stations and being able to listen to them all the time. Such great music. Mogwai. Explosions in the Sky. Sigur Ros. Iron and Wine. (Whom I'm going to see this weekend in Birmingham) Hope every one of you have a great Saturday. Wish me luck. Love.
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