Friday, November 8, 2013


It's almost bedtime for me. I know it's a Friday night, but I'm on the couch resting. I went and had soup with my dad earlier (Mom is out of town, so I get to be my Dad's date). I've been sickly the past day, bad. So I've only been eating Saltines and Sprite, tried to eat a small cup of soup tonight. It was nice and light and airy. I am almost 100% better!

On a better note, the store has opened!

Her name is Mulberry Dreams and she is a beaut! I am the store manager and am looking so forward to this coming up year! 

Things are changing! The weather is changing (brrrr), I have a new job, I'm currently looking for a new place to live, painting a heap more and just trying to change things overall. 
You know?

If any of you have any advice about how to cope with change, please let me know. I've been trying to learn and teach myself how to deal with things in life. I'm trying to understand that you can't control people, you can only control yourself. 

I'm also learning how to take things one-step-at-a-time.. 
I also had two art shows last month and launched my website! Please go check it out :] 

Well, it's getting a bit late. I'm gonna finish my sprite and try to get some sleep. 
Night night. 

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