Sunday, March 25, 2012

I think Spring is here. POLLEN!

Good morning good morning! Sitting in bed, drinking a cup of coffee .. I figured I'd blog since I haven't made a post in weeks, ages really. 
Here's what I've done this week! 
Got a heap of photos developed from sxsw and old disposables that I found lying around.

Drank a lot of wine at night, watched movies, wrote and read.

Went grocery shopping. :] Finally

Had beers with Tom outside in the sun. 

Made coffee. Each morning and every afternoon.
I really really want to get back to writing my pen pals again. Anyone want to write? I use to be such a fantastic pen pal, I would write these amazing people that I would meet and learn so much about. Or I can even write friends, it doesn't matter. It's all about getting a letter in the mail and ready someone else's world. Someone else's feelings and emotions. I love the idea. 

So let's write! Leave a comment if you'd like to become pen pals. I'd love to get to know some of you! 

Hope all of you have a glorious Sunday. It's so pretty out. 
With love, 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

So I stumbled across your blog over a year ago, somehow was instantly drawn to your lifestyle because it seems to resemble mine.

Perhaps this is a far reach that you will read this, but if you are still up for having a pen pal, I am down. I think we would have a hell of a lot to say to one another.

Shoot me an email at if you are interested! I am always open to adding interesting people into my life!