Sunday, October 3, 2010


I had a great birthday weekend. Thank you to all of you who made it worthwhile.
Like I said in an earlier post, Maggie (my roommate made me a delicious cake).. yum!

 Whoot. That cake was divine. I've eaten entirely too much this weekend. I shall start back my exercising this week. 
I was a little hesitant about my upcoming birthday. I turned 21 and I'm just not a huge drinker. I'll have some wine here and there, maybe a beer... but that's about it. So I was incredibly nervous and anxious all week wondering what in the world was I going to do for my birthday. Hunter helped me out and thought of a great plan. We went to the delta and it was so much fun.

                                                                       My boyfriend is cute.
 Hunter surprised me with beautiful sunflowers on my birthday too. :)
Thanks for listening. I had an awesome birthday weekend.
<3 Kate

p.s. does anyone want to be my pen pal? Leave me a comment please. 

1 comment:

cb said...

happy belated birthday sweetie! glad you had a good one, you deserve it!
