Thursday, October 28, 2010


I'm sorry I've been such a bad blogger these past few days. Life has been pretty pretty busy. Currently, I am drinking some "Calm" Tazo hot tea, such a delicious flavor. It really works! I went to see one of my favorite bands tonight, Dead Gaze. My good friend Cole is the head man and he is unbelievable. There is so much talent thriving in that guy. He kills every show he plays. He was a huge part of my life during my freshman year of college. He has a piece of my heart, always and always.
View All Photos | DEAD GAZE 
Also, Winter Sport played, which consisted of two of my good friend's Gabe Stanley and Martin Powell. Great show. I left early, a little anxiety started kickin' in. It was a great show though!

It has gotten so cold here! Well, not that cold.. yet. But it was a great feeling.

So what are you all up to tomorrow night? I think I am having a calm night. My friends band is playing, so I'll probably go to that for a bit. Maybe get some hot tea as well, before-hand. Hmmmm.. Yes!

I hope you all have an amazing night. I know, it's a little late for that. But you can always have a great nights sleep and have a beautiful day tomorrow.
I'll be back tomorrow morning with a better, image-filled post!


1 comment:

emily said...

i had a listen to dead gaze's music on myspace! i really really like them! how amazing that you're friends with them! :)