Monday, September 13, 2010


I really just don't know what to ask for for my 21st birthday. I'd like something that I can keep forever and give it to my child. Like a ring. I got a beautiful emerald ring for my graduation present in high school. I kind of one just a simple one band ring with a few stones/diamonds. Is that too "engagement/wedding ring" ish? Please someone help. I don't know what I want, and I don't wear that much jewelry to be honest. I wear bangles a lot and I wear rings.. occasionally I'll throw on a necklace. Eeeeek help! I need some good things to tell my parents.
Is this too wedding ring ish? Give me your opinion.. please

1 comment:

cb said...

i think that is a great idea! i have a ring like that but i got in 8th grade from my mom.
