Monday, August 30, 2010


Ugh, I feel like death. It's a combination on no sleep, time of the month, not eating right and anxiety. I took a nap earlier... Which rarely happens. So that was nice.
These are a few awful pictures of my room. I've really got to in a better camera. I like the one I have now, but i want an SLR.

 Quality, isn't that great...

Well, this is my room in a nut shell. I didn't do the other side of my room. I wasn't thinking. It is a cute little sky blue old vintage chest that my grandmother gave me. I love it and will keep it forever and ever.

Well, right now I am in bed, about to go to sleep. Tom is scratching at my door meowing to come in. But every time I let him in when I sleep he just licks my face and purs all night while sitting on my neck. It's adorable but I can't get to sleep.
I need sleep so badly. I think my body is just run down. I had a long weekend this weekend that consisted of very little sleep, if any.

But, I am staying positive about this week. I am going to go to sleep relatively early tonight and go to class tomorrow morning. Sooo early. Eeeek. But, it's ceramics, so I'm excited to learn. I can't wait to make pretty mugs and bowls!

I have the best boyfriend. I was exhausted last night and he went and got me a movie and candy last night. Cutie. Love is great.

Just had to share that. I'm a lucky girl. Anyways, time for me to go to sleep. This post is rather boring, but I'm trying to be as positive as I can right now and blogging really helps me to be positive and look at like with a smile. I need to smile more. :)

Hope you all have a wonderful glorious night sleep. See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your room! Especially the polaroid garland, I wish I had the energy to pull mine all out from childhood and make one!