Monday, July 12, 2010

Bed time!

So I just recently moved into a new house here in Oxford, MS and I've been trying to get my room just like I want it. It's turned out quite nice, I just have a little more tweeking and things here and there that will probably come as time moves along (so quickly these days!) Anyways, I've searched for so long for some looks that I love/adore.. here you go:
I think I've accomplished this really well. :) I have some orange yard full of Polaroids of friends. :)
This room is beautiful. I love how simple christmas lights can be formed into a beautiful canopy. Plus the color is great.
 I just like this idea for a photo shoot. For my roommate and I. I think it will look perfect in our den (since we have a light blue wall).
I loveeee the picture frames in this one. So creative.

Anyways, just to catch up... I've temporarily deleted my facebook. I get on it wayy too much and I just need a break. But I will be continuing to write on my blog. Please leave some comments for me! I will assure you that I will respond! I love seeing that people have actually taken time to read my little ole blog. But just you wait, once I get batteries in my camera once again, and my amazing photographer roommate (Elizabeth Beaver) moves in, this blog will hopefully be filled with gorgeous pictures. I tried to find her flikr but I can't seem to find it. Oh well.
I'm off to get some beauty sleep.
Have a wonderful night.


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