Monday, February 1, 2010


I hate mondays with a passion. I really do. I'm sitting on my bed listening to this new Mogwai song I downloaded a few days ago. This weekend was fun, wasteful but fun. I should have done more work. Although.. I did work on my mask for my 3d class. :) I'll post a picture. It's definitely not finished. I still have to add my beak to it. I've become fascinated with scary masks that have beaks on them. They have all of a sudden appeared in my sketches as well. :/ Oh well.. I will just continue the ideas. I woke up early this morning to read the paper, drink my coffee and eat oatmeal. It was nice, I only got a few hours of sleep last night, and I have a feeling I will only get a few hours of sleep tonight. I've got to start writing a paper, do all my laundry, bathe, clean my side of the room, go to a meeting, and get organized. WHY AM I SO SCATTERBRAIN?? I don't get it. On a lighter note, I'm taking a road trip to Little Rock Friday for a guilty pleasure show! :) :) It's Saves the Day, Hellogoodbye, and New Found Glory. Ohhh I can't wait. Really. It's going to be great. Also, the Oxford Film Festival is this week as well. Whoo! See this week will be good, once I get this paper done and finish my mask. I'm just ready for May to get here. I really am.

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