My head is about to explode. I just wrote out notes for my art fundaments exam next week. I'm stressed like none other. I've already had two cups of coffee within the past two hours. I took a long, fulfilling nap today. So that means I can't go to sleep early tonight. I have to stay up and study tonight. My head. My head. I need medicine. Its cold outside. Listening to Explosions in the Sky and Mogwai. So perfect. I'm about to leave this coffee shop. I'm glad this place has more than one coffee shop. Oh, wait it doesn't, cool Cleveland. People in here are too loud. My head hurts bad. I need to focus. What is wrong with me. I've got to study. I have a feeling summer school is going to come my way. Awesome. Btw, that painting is for sale.. If anyone slightly likes it. I'll write again soon tonight. Wish me luck.
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