Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I've spent my morning with coffee and reading blogs. Exciting news: tomorrow I move into my new little garage apartment. Eeeek! I'm super stoked about it. It's tiny, but I'm excited to get out on my own and live by myself. I also get to get my baby Tom back.

I'm so excited! Wish me luck! I'll be posting some pictures on here soon of my new place when I get it all decorated and what not.

Monday, February 4, 2013


So much has changed in the past few weeks, it's insane.
I have a new job, I'm back in my hometown and I'm moving into a new little apartment in the next month. Oh how excited I am to have my own place! I'll be here for a while but I hope to move in the next year or so. I'd love to live in Nashville.

I'll post pictures soon.
Time to go get ready for work and make more coffee.

Have a wonderful Monday.