Cheers to a new semester. This one is gonna be a tough one. I won't have much of a social life. :/ But it's kind of a good thing because I really need to start focusing/ keeping busy. So i don't let my mind wonder. That happens entirely too often.
Lately, I've been walking my sister's boyfriend's dog. Her name is Marley and she is precious. She's a STRONG yellow lab and loves to run and pull my whole body. We walked in the graveyard, it was perfect.
I want to start cooking more often. I think (if I have the time anymore) I may start trying to cook/bake one meal a week and see how I do. I am usually a horrible baker. No matter how great the directions are, I will somehow another screw them up. BUT no fear Kate, I'm gonna get better at this, I promise. I need too! Baking and cooking is fun and it's a great way to distract your mind off the sad things.
Finally, this here.. is my best friend: Anna.